Power Innovations International

Asynchronous Transfer Switch

Asynchronous Transfer Switch

System Benefits

  • Capacity of 10 kVA to 1 MVA
  • Remote power management options
  • Operating temperatures -40 °C to +70 °C


The ATS incorporates an easy-to-use LCD display and LED lights to show a system’s power flow status. Using MODBUS, the ATS can be remotely monitored. It can be used to configure multiple UPS systems as parallel redundant systems or to transfer external or alternate sources to a given load such as generators and alternate utility feeds, and it can also be used for system maintenance when a device must be taken offline or removed for service without interrupting critical loads.

The ATS also incorporates breakers which allow a more permanent load transfer status once the transfer has been completed: this can avoid any automatic transfers when they are not wanted. The ATS comes in standard ranges from 10 kVA up to 1 MVA. Depending on its capacity, the system comes in either a single-wide or double-wide cabinet.



ATS Installation and Operation Manual


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