Power Innovations International

60 kW Mobile Chargers

60 kW Mobile Chargers

60 kW Mobile Chargers
System Benefits

    • Highly flexible power input with no de-rating
      • Field configuration patent pending
    • Field-scalable power, up to 60 kW
    • Indoor and outdoor lines
    • IP20/NEMA 1 enclosure for indoor units
      • NEMA 3R enclosure for outdoor units
    • Field replaceable power modules


Pii offers a series of indoor and outdoor mobile all-in-one DC quick chargers. These “shop” chargers offer field-configurable VAC input power, which enables accepting the most common distribution voltages. They are directly pluggable into suitable wall outlets, providing the convenience of a DC quick charger while removing the need for extensive infrastructural investment typically associated with these chargers.

The EVQC030-M to EVQC060-M are designed for indoor use, while the EVQC030-E to EQVC060-E is designed for outdoor use. 

Applications and potential use cases include OEM test facilities, public and commercial buildings, residential and multi-unit dwellings, retail and hospitality, and more. All of Power Innovations International’s EV chargers have industry-standard connectivity for fast charging, remote services, and software updates.



EVQC030-M to EVQC060-M Datasheet (Indoor)

EVQC030-E to EVQC060-E Datasheet (Outdoor)


EVQC00xx-MxBx Installation and Operation Manual


EV Product Guide

EV Product Brochure


EV Charging Product Info Request

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